One easy change can make a brighter world for animals.

You can stand up for animals every time you sit down to eat! By making simple swaps for plant-based foods, you help to decrease the demand for industrial animal agriculture and reduce animal suffering.

Even small changes like switching out a few meals each week for plant-based options can add up to a huge impact as we all work toward a more humane society for animals.

Learn more about how animals are impacted by industrial animal agriculture due to the high demand for meat and other animal products.

Learn more about how plant-based helps animals

Go plant-based for the animals

The overconsumption of animal products has led to the expansion of factory farms.

Get started on your plant-based journey

10 tips for getting started on a plant-based diet today

Desiree Nielsen, a registered dietician based in Vancouver, shares 10 tips for getting started on a plant-based diet today.

Will you be choosing more plant-based meals for the animals?

Check out our Black Bean Burrito Bowl or these other simple and delicious recipes for meal and snack inspiration:

Looking for more inspiration? See all plant-based recipes in the Plant University recipe library!