Polling data from the Lower Mainland shows a plant-forward future is on the horizon

Polling data from the Lower Mainland shows a plant-forward future is on the horizon

For friends sit around a coffee table eating vegan food.

VANCOUVER, April 18, 2023 โ€“ Younger generations in B.C.’s Lower Mainland are increasingly shifting their diets toward plant-based foods, new polling data reveals.

The research poll, commissioned by the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS), examines the dietary preferences and opinions around plant-based eating of Lower Mainland residents. The study was conducted among a representative sample of 803 Lower Mainland residents aged 18+ who are members of the Angus Reid Forum.

Responses reveal a trend away from meat and animal products with each passing generation: vegans and vegetarians comprised 10% of respondents aged 18-34, 9% of respondents aged 35-54, and 6% of respondents aged 55+.

A similar trend can be found when looking at respondentsโ€™ reduction of animal-based products. 69% of respondents aged 18-34 had reduced their animal product consumption, compared to 66% of respondents aged 35-54 and 60% of respondents aged 55+.

In addition to vegans and vegetarians, more respondents in the youngest generation identified their diet as โ€œflexitarianโ€ โ€“ primarily eating plant-based foods with occasional consumption of animal-based products. 7% of respondents aged 18-34, and 5% of both other age groups surveyed identified as flexitarian.

@vancouverhumane See what people had to say about plant-based eating at PlantUniversity.ca. #PlantBasedFood #Vegan #PlantBased #VeganForTheAnimals โ™ฌ original sound – Vancouver Humane Society

โ€œThe increasing availability of plant-based foods and the growing popularity of plant-based diets are mutually reinforcing,โ€ said VHS Communications Director Chantelle Archambault. โ€œPublic demand for tasty animal-free options is driving a huge shift in the industry, which in turn makes it easier than ever for more people to put plant-forward meals on their plates.โ€

Interestingly, motivations for shifting toward a plant-based diet varied by generation. Respondents aged 18-34 identified both economic reasons and environmental concerns as the top factors influencing their decision to consume fewer animal products, while other age demographics were most motivated by personal health.

When considering how and what to eat overall, every age group was most motivated by taste. Archambault says this is also a hopeful sign for the future.

โ€œAs the food industry continues to develop innovative tastes and textures for plant-based products, weโ€™re sure to see a wider shift toward a society that eats more sustainably.โ€

For those looking to add more plants into their diets, the VHS offers free resources and recipes on their Plant University website.

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SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society 

For more information, contact Chantelle Archambault: 604-416-2903, chantelle@vancouverhumanesociety.bc.ca

Related links: 



Nearly 3 in 4 British Columbians believe menus with plant-based options are โ€œmore inclusiveโ€: research

Nearly 3 in 4 British Columbians believe menus with plant-based options are โ€œmore inclusiveโ€: research

VANCOUVER, April 13, 2023 โ€“ The majority of British Columbians in the Lower Mainland have positive feelings about plant-based menu options, new polling data reveals. 

The research poll, commissioned by the Vancouver Humane Society (VHS) among a representative sample of Lower Mainland residents from the Angus Reid Forum, asked participants about their dietary preferences and attitudes around plant-based eating.  

73% of respondents agreed that โ€œFood services that offer a greater variety of plant-based options are more inclusive to allโ€. This sentiment was shared by a majority of people regardless of their own dietary preferences; 95% of vegans or vegetarians and 71% of people following other diets agreed with the statement. 

The poll results demonstrate that the demand for plant-based options is growing, with 65% of respondents having reduced their consumption of animal products.  

Differences between age demographics indicate a growing shift toward plant-based foods over each generation โ€“ 69% of respondents aged 18-34 had reduced their animal product consumption, compared to 66% of respondents aged 35-54 and 60% of respondents aged 55+. 

โ€œA growing number of consumers are reducing or eliminating animal-based products, with more people turning to plant-based options when they are available,โ€ said VHS Communications Director Chantelle Archambault.  

Businesses and organizations are already moving to meet the growing demand for plant-forward foods. Many institutions that now offer plant-based menu items, such as Panago Pizza and the University of British Columbia (UBC), cite sustainability commitments as one motivation for the shift.  

โ€œThere are so many great reasons to shift towards a more plant-based diet but for us at UBC Food Services we have done this to support the health of our students and the planet,โ€ said David Speight, Executive Chef and Culinary Director of UBC Food Services. โ€œWe know that plant-based diets can provide excellent health benefits for our students and they reduce the negative environmental impacts on our planet compared to more animal protein centric diets.โ€ 

Other local businesses and institutions are stepping up to meet consumer demand as well. Last year, the City of Vancouver committed to exploring a 20% reduction in animal-based products in favour of plant-based foods in their municipal food purchasing, such as through catering and city-owned concessions.  

The new polling data suggests that this growing movement toward accessible, affordable, and tasty plant-based options could prompt a greater dietary shift in the future. 65% of respondents identified that they โ€œwould eat more plant-based meals if there were more tasty options available when going out to eatโ€. 

Speight added, โ€œWe have shifted a large percentage of our menu offerings to plant-based and our students are still asking for more. It shows a real hunger for great tasting plant-based offerings.โ€ 

@vancouverhumane Visit PlantUniversity.ca for more information! #PlantBased #BCBusiness #Vegan #PlantBasedFood โ™ฌ original sound – Vancouver Humane Society

โ€œWith the public increasingly interested in plant-forward food items and calling for corporate responsibility, weโ€™re eager to see more businesses and organizations introduce plant-based options in the coming years to avoid being left behind,โ€ said Archambault. 

This shift has the important added benefit of reducing the number of animals suffering for human food production.  

The VHS is offering free support to B.C.-based institutions, such as restaurants, long-term care homes, and schools, that are interesting in introducing more plant-based menu items. 

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SOURCE Vancouver Humane Society 

For more information, contact Chantelle Archambault: 604-416-2903, chantelle@vancouverhumanesociety.bc.ca

Related links: 





The University of British Columbia: Lessons in Creating a Plant-Forward Campus

The University of British Columbia: Lessons in Creating a Plant-Forward Campus

Featured author: Emma Levez Larocque, Plant-Based RHN

Please note while reading that UBC uses the term plant-based to describe food from plants as well as vegetarian foods such as dairy and eggs. This is different from Plant University’s definition that plant-based refers to food made from plants such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes, and does not include animal-based foods like meat, dairy, and eggs.

The time is right for institutions to take a culinary plunge into the plant-based world, following the lead of trailblazers like David Speight, Executive Chef and Culinary Director at the University of British Columbia.

In 2017 David and his team authored UBCโ€™s Food Visions and Values, in which they outlined their commitment to advancing plant-based diets and reducing the amount of animal products they were offering to students in campus dining halls.

Taking the First Steps

David knew his staff needed more training when it came to plant-based cooking, so one of the first things they did was host Canadaโ€™s first ever Forward Food Conference with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). This took place in 2017, and was a two-day hands-on workshop led by HSUS chefs. It included 10 UBC chefs, as well as 10 other chefs from the City of Vancouver, the City of Whistler and University of Victoria.

โ€œFor two days we cooked a whole bunch of wonderful meals with no animal proteins or dairy anywhere to be found,โ€ David says. โ€œIt was a bit of an โ€˜Aha!โ€™ moment for our chefs to understand how great plant-based food can be. There are so many products on the marketplace these days that really open up the door for more plant-based cooking. So that was the starting point.โ€

Setting Targets

Once the conference was over the UBC Food Services team started setting targets for plant-based offerings within the residence dining operations.

โ€œWhen we started, we were around 20 percent plant-basedโ€”simply, I would say, to fulfil an obligation to cater to our vegan students,โ€ David says. They needed to change the mindset, he explains, and the way they approached it was to make sure that they werenโ€™t just offering substitutes for vegetarians and vegans.

โ€œWe decided we were going to make great-tasting plant-based dishes, and not just for vegans, but for everybody. So, we set a target of 40 per cent by 2019, and we achieved that.โ€

This year they have a new target of 60 percent plant-based offerings, including 30 percent vegan.

โ€œWe achieved that on our menu grid by making sure that each station has two different menu choicesโ€” one that contains animal proteins, and one that is vegetarian and/or vegan. In addition, one of our stations in each location is a vegetarian station, and that one has exclusively vegetarian and vegan options. This year, we’ve also looked more closely at the vegan aspect of that ratio because we were challenged last year because there werenโ€™t enough vegan dishes included. So, this year we’ve made a commitment to having 50 per cent of that 60 per centโ€”in total 30 per cent of our overall offeringsโ€”to be fully vegan.โ€

Inspiring Plant-Based Choices

In the past year David and his team have been working with Health Canada on strategies to encourage students to make more plant-based selections. It has been a very useful process, he says.

โ€œSome things we already knew, but some things were good learning, like highlighting the plant-based option right at the top of the menu.โ€

They also moved away from descriptors using the words vegan and vegetarian and now use icons instead. They did this so people who don’t identify as vegan or vegetarian donโ€™t feel that these dishes are not for them.

โ€œIt’s just a great tasting dish and it just happens to be veganโ€ฆwe stepped away from calling things, for example, Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie and we might call it Moroccan Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie instead.โ€

Another change they made was how they were approaching recipe development.

โ€œWhen we first started, if we had Butter Chicken on the menu, our chefs would maybe do a Tofu Butter Chicken, but I tried to change that mindset. I wanted these dishes to be great dishes that stand on their own, not just alternatives to the meat-based dishes.โ€

The Impetus Behind the Action

โ€œWe’ve always been challenged by students,โ€ David says. But there are two main reasons UBC Food Services started, and continue, on this plant-based journey.

โ€œOne is to satisfy the demands of people who choose a vegan diet, but mainly itโ€™s about the planet and public health. We’ve got a really strong sustainability department at UBC, and we’ve worked closely with them on some of these targets. I firmly believe that this is the future of food, and that we have to change the way we’re eating if we want to have sustainable diets for the future.

โ€œThe other thing is that from a chef’s perspective, [itโ€™s easier for us to] buy high quality plants and vegetables than high quality meat. Buying organic grass-fed meat products is just not going to work with our budgets, but I can afford to buy organic produceโ€ฆso from that perspective, we’re actually providing a better-quality meal with our plant-based dishes.โ€

But What About the Protein?

All this progress doesnโ€™t mean that there hasnโ€™t been any pushback. But as part of UBC, they have some powerful academic backup.

โ€œWe have partnered with the School of Population and Public Health on our campus to ensure that we’re what we’re saying is vetted by the academic portion of our university,โ€ David says. โ€œWe’ve done workshops with them, and we have two dieticians on staff for UBC Food Services who can explain the nutritional benefits. We do get a lot of student athletes who claim that they need โ€˜Xโ€™ amount of protein, and they worry that it’s not coming from the plant-based dishes, so our dietitians can work with them and show them how they can achieve what they’re looking for, and still reduce the amount of meat that they eat.โ€

For the first time this year, David says, they have had student feedback saying they need more meat on the menu.

โ€œI take that as a compliment because we’ve heard for years that there’s not enough plant-based menu items. And we’ve never before heard a complaint from a student looking for more meat. That tells me that the shift weโ€™re making is real. I don’t want anybody to feel like they’re not getting what they need, but I’m much happier to hear somebody looking for more meat than the consistent, โ€˜There’s not enough vegan dishes on our menu.โ€™ The tide is turning a little bit.โ€

Words of Advice

Since they started on this path in 2017 the learning and tweaking has been constant, David says. But the sharing of lessons, recipes and strategies has been a key part of their success in moving their plant-strong focus forward.

โ€œOne of the great things about working in the university environment is the culture sharing across universities. Unlike restaurants or the private sector, we’re not competing for the same guests. We all have our own captive campuses with our own students, so there is an incredible amount of sharing.

The first piece of advice he would offer to other institutions wanting to make these types of changes would be reach out and talk to somebody who’s already doing it, he says.

โ€œWe, as UBC, offer that all the time. The way I look at it is, we’re making great change here in Vancouver, and in Kelowna as well. But wouldn’t it be great if [universities in other provinces] also did the same thing โ€”now we’re really scaling up!

โ€œThe other thing I would say is don’t be afraid to make mistakes. We certainly did, and weโ€™re still learning. A prime example is we opened a brand new dining hall in 2016. And we were so proud because right in the central point we had a station that we called Vegetarian Kitchen. It’s in wrought ironโ€”it would take construction to literally change the name of that station. [It didnโ€™t take long before] we realized that we probably should have called it something else. But we’re learning and it’s okay to make mistakes.

Vegetarian Kitchen station in UBC’s dining hall

โ€œAnd finally, reach out to organizations like the Vancouver Humane Society, or get involved in something like the Forward Food Conferenceโ€ฆThat was a great opportunity for us as a starting point to educate ourselves and learn that, indeed, we can make great-tasting dishes without using animal proteins. Then set some targets. Youโ€™ve got to start somewhere so baseline where you are now and set targets for next year and the year after that. Start small and challenge yourself to continue to increase those targets.โ€

Need help getting started? Visit https://plantuniversity.ca/institution/institution-plant-based-pledge/.

This is the future of food, David says. He sees the desire for it among students, and anticipates that the demand for plant-based offerings is only going to continue to grow.

โ€œWe also work with UBC Sustainability and they are challenging us to be 80 per cent plant based by 2025. I think personally that that is a realistic target, and something we should strive forโ€ฆbut at this point thatโ€™s an ongoing conversation.โ€

What the Students Want

โ€œWe continue to offer more, and they continue to ask for more, so my advice to other institutions is don’t be scared to make the plunge and go for it. The demographics of students are changing, and they’re challenging us to do more and more every year. It is the direction that I think the students would love to see all Canadian university campuses go towards.โ€

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Top 10 Plant-Based Pantry Items

Top 10 plant-based pantry items

Featured author: Bridget Burns

Bridget Burns is a recipe and lifestyle content creator and more! Bridget shares her top 10 plant-based pantry items today. She is based in Vancouver.

Hi everyone, I am Bridget Burns, the founder of The Vegan Project. The VP began in 2009 when a few friends challenged each other to go vegan for 30 days and blog about it. From there it evolved into event hosting, catering, meal planning, and the launch of the Vancouver Vegan Festival at Creekside Park in 2019. 

When I began my vegan journey, meat and dairy substitutes were not nearly as readily available as they are today. Iโ€™ve learned so much over the past 12 years through many successes, and failures. Today, for the Vancouver Humane Societyโ€™s PlantUniversity Platform, Iโ€™m going to share my top 10 plant-based pantry staples to keep on hand to set yourself up for success. 

If youโ€™re interested in learning more, you can also find great resources on VHSโ€™s PlantUniversity Platform and make sure to subscribe to get involved in VHSโ€™s work to help animals, people and the planet.

Let’s begin!

I hope you found this list helpful for your own kitchen! You can find more plant-based tips on my Instagram, Facebook and website, @TheVeganProject.

Donโ€™t forget to subscribe to Vancouver Humane Societyโ€™s PlantUniversity Platform to stay updated on new content and to get involved in their work.

Chat with a vegan: Pamela Fergusson, Registered Dietitian

Chat with a Vegan: Pamela Fergusson, Registered Dietitian

As part of our โ€œChat with a Veganโ€ series, PlantUniversity’s Brighde Reed sat down and spoke with Pamela Fergusson. Pamela is a Registered Dietitian who owns a private practice in Nelson, British Columbia. We hope you find her experience and advice helpful no matter where you are on your own plant-based journey.

You can follow Pamela across multiple platforms:

If youโ€™re interested in learning more after reading this blog post, you can find great resources on the Vancouver Humane Societyโ€™s PlantUniversity Platform and subscribe to get free plant-based recipes and be notified when the next interview is posted.

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Pamela Fergusson, a Registered Dietitian. I have a Ph.D. in nutrition and I have a private practice. I live in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada, and I run my practice from here. I see people from across Canada and also internationally too. I specialize in plant-based nutrition and I am vegan, but I see all types of eaters. Generally, the omnivore clients that I see are usually looking to transition to more plant-based and I always help my clients move in the direction of being more plant-based. We have so much evidence that it is an optimal way to eat.

For fun, I’m very fortunate. I live in the beautiful Kootenay region of B.C. We live in such a gorgeous place, full of hiking, swimming, beaches, and amazing skiing in the winter. And I try to take advantage of that as much as I can. I have four children. Three of them are still living at home, so I’m a busy person with a business and also a busy family and I have a beautiful dog as well. Life is busy, but when I have the opportunity, I’m outdoors. I’m also very passionate about yoga; I try to go to yoga five or six days a week.

When did you become vegan and what was your motivation?

I get asked this all the time and to be honest, I cannot remember the exact time that I went vegan, but I think it was around nine or ten years ago. Before that I was a vegetarian for a long time.

I originally went vegetarian in university after reading the book Diet for a Small Planet. I went vegetarian partly for environmental reasons, but also this idea that was put forward in that book that we have enough calories on our planet to feed everyone, we’re just distributing them poorly. That was compelling for me as I was interested in eating lower down the food chain so that we do not squander our food resources.

Much later on, I became fully plant-based and it wasn’t until then that I switched on more to the ethical issues so I decided to be fully vegan. I was motivated by the environment, and I was somewhat motivated by health. But once I made the connection with animal suffering, that was what took me from 90% of the way there to a hundred percent and fully committed.

What was easy for you when you went vegan and what was more of a challenge?

I have to say I do have a little bit of an advantage that I am a Registered Dietitian. I have a Ph.D. in nutrition, so I went vegan feeling quite confident that I would be able to cook meals that I would enjoy. I had been a vegetarian before for a long time, so I already had some expertise in preparing plant-based options.

Probably the more challenging part was bringing my children on board. We transitioned the children over a year. The kids had been omnivorous before that. We went very slowly with the kids so they felt on board with the transition and just moving at the pace that was comfortable for them as their taste buds adapted and as their identity adapted.

My kids eat a plant-based diet at home and make their own decisions outside the home. They have varying levels of commitment to or interest in being vegan. At home, they are fully plant-based and they enjoy plant-based food.

What are some nutrients that vegan children need to make an effort to get?

Key nutrients for vegan children include dietary fat. Children, particularly younger children, and toddlers require a lot more fat in their diet than adults do. This is not an age group to be eating low fat. They should be enjoying sources of fat like nut and seed butter; hummus is a great one because it’s providing healthy fats as well as protein.

Don’t hesitate to use some oils when cooking for children. If oils are something that you use in your household, you certainly can use those in preparing foods for your children.

Protein is also important. We don’t need to overly worry about protein, but we certainly wouldn’t want to get into a pattern of feeding children mostly only fruits and vegetables. They do need to be getting a few protein-rich sources a day like beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and meat alternatives are also an option if your family includes those.

Nuts and seeds are also sources of both proteins and healthy fats.

Next, we can consider some of the micronutrients like iron, a key nutrient for kids. Iron deficiency is common in children, not only for vegan kids but actually among omnivorous children as well. We do need to think of iron-rich foods in plant-based options, those again are a lot of the high-protein foods. Beans, lentils, and greens also are good sources of iron and tofu is a pretty good source of iron too.

Finally, calcium. I encourage all plant-based families to offer a cup or even two cups of plant-based milk to their older children each day. If you have a baby or a toddler who is consuming breast milk or formula, then you may be waiting until they’re old enough. Talk to your dietitian or pediatrician to introduce plant-based milks. For school-aged children, pre-schoolers, and certainly teenagers, including a cup or two cups of plant-based milk that’s fortified with calcium each day will help them to meet their calcium needs.

Calcium is well distributed across whole foods in a plant-based diet as well. Dried fruits, nuts, and seeds, particularly sesame seeds, so tahini and tahini dressings are a good source of calcium, or once again hummus.  Green veggies and leafy greens as well as tofu, beans, and lentils are good sources of calcium. The combination of choosing mostly whole plant-based foods, along with fortified plant-based milk; I would underscore that.

Although those are key nutrients for plant-based families to consider, they’re really just the nutrients that are important for growing children, and these are certainly available on a plant-based diet.

This interview from PlantUniversity’s “Chat with a Vegan” series was hosted by Brighde Reed of World Vegan Travel and featured Dr. Pamela Fergusson, RD.

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How I navigate Lunar New Year as a vegan

How I navigate Lunar New Year as a vegan

Featured author: Katie Mai

As we approach Lunar New Year, over one billion people around the world will be coming together with loved ones to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit! The festivities bring with them an array of delicious, fragrant and colourful dishes, shared and enjoyed family-style at the dinner table, and offered to our late ancestors with respect.

However, for those of us who have chosen to eat more plant-based foods or live a plant-based lifestyle, these gatherings can be a source of stress as many traditional dishes and customs revolve around the use of animal products. But fear not! It is entirely possible to fully embrace the spirit of the festival without contributing to animal suffering or environmental destruction.

Cultural Perspectives on Veganism

 โ€œVeganismโ€ is often criticized as being appropriative, expensive and even elitist. While veganism in the West is relatively new, there is a long history of plant-based eating in China, tracing back to 770 B.C. and even earlier in other Eastern societies. Vegan philosophy originates from Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, where food is closely intertwined with spirituality, medicine, and principles of moral virtue. Abstinence from animal consumption is considered purifying to both the mind and body

Statue of the Buddha.

Growing up in the Chinese diaspora in Canada, I have come to realize that the realities of my parentsโ€™ generation and mine are vastly different. My elders and relatives, due to famine and poverty in China, often did not have enough to eat. To greet one another, we ask, โ€œHave you eaten yet?โ€ which has become shorthand for โ€œHow are you?โ€ Animals were a source of compact nutrition in an environment of scarcity and only eaten on special occasions, such as on Lunar New Year.

Because of their struggle, I now have the privilege of access to a whole foods, plant-based diet that is nutritionally complete and delicious. I am grateful to have the option to make this choice, however this doesnโ€™t come without challenges at the dinner table where my views often clash with those in my family and community.

Tips for Navigating Lunar New Year Celebrations

Emphasize textures in your cooking. It is the textures and flavours that make food taste like food. While a lot of people eat animal-based foods for their texture, we can easily replicate tenderness, crispiness, and crunchiness from plants. For example, replace meat dumpling filling with textured vegetable protein or shredded tofu and jicama, and use a flax egg (1:3 flax meal and water) to bind.

Embrace the flavour of the plant ingredient in its whole! You can use mock meats in your dishes, but can take the deliciousness to the next level using whole plant foods as well. One of my favourite dishes is โ€œBuddhaโ€™s Delightโ€ โ€“ a truly delightful stir fry of mushrooms, wood ears, bean curd, carrots, glass noodles, and other vegetables. The dish brings out the unique flavour of each ingredient and is not masquerading as a meat dish. For dessert, make steamed red bean glutinous rice cake, or sticky rice balls with black sesame filling.

spoon holding up a sticky rice ball with black sesame filling with a red background.

Be mindful of hidden non-vegan ingredients. Oyster sauce, fish sauce, and egg noodles are often found in traditional dishes. Check the ingredients before consuming or cooking with them.

Inviting open dialogue around a feast of traditional dishes โ€“ made vegan โ€“ is a respectful way to educate, spark conversation and understanding.

Closing thoughts

Our actions and choices have the power to either harm or heal. They impact not only our personal health, but the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. We can honour our cultural traditions whilst honouring our values and the rights of all beings. With the New Year comes a new opportunity to take steps towards a brighter and more compassionate future.

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First steps to tofu mastery

First steps to tofu mastery

Featured author: Emma Levez Larocque, Plant-Based RHN

Tofu was invented more than 2,000 years ago and has been eaten in many Asian cuisines for centuries! As this ingredient has become more popular around the world, chefs and cooks everywhere have been experimenting with tofu in the kitchen. We now know that tofu can be versatileโ€”and incredibly tastyโ€”if you just spend a little time learning how to cook it well. 

There are a few things that people who are new to using tofu should be aware of to ensure a good experience.

Keep reading to learn about the different types of tofu and tips and recipes for cooking it. For more tips check out the PlantUniversity platform and subscribe to receive free weekly recipes.

3 things to know to set yourself up for tofu success

1) There are different kinds of tofu, and the kind you use matters

2) How you prepare and cook tofu affects the texture, and good texture makes it easy to love tofu

3) Tofu doesnโ€™t have a lot of flavour, but it will take on the flavours you add to it (which makes it the perfect โ€œblank canvasโ€ and adaptable to many dishes)

Let’s dig into the details.

Types of tofu

The two main types of tofu are regular and silken (Japanese-style). Both types come in soft, medium, firm and extra-firm consistencies. Part of learning to use tofu is trying different kinds to see what textures you prefer. Below is a description of the different kinds of tofu and what they are typically used for.

Adding flavour to tofu

As mentioned above, tofu doesnโ€™t have a lot of flavour on its own. Some people love the subtle taste of plain tofu, and it works well added on its own to dishes like miso soup or a curry/chili. However, most of the time when you are using tofu as a base, or a featured part of a dish, youโ€™ll want to flavour it with herbs, spices, aromatics, or other flavourful ingredients, and/or a delicious marinade or glaze.

Once you get comfortable with tofu and start experimenting, youโ€™ll realize that the possibilities are endless. However, if youโ€™re new to tofu preparation, where should you start?

These are two simple methods that are great to try out as you get started on your tofu journey:

Method 1: Frying and Glazing Tofu

3 simple steps:

  1. Prepare a simple glaze by combining 2 tbsp maple syrup and 2 tbsp tamari, and prepare 1 block of extra-firm tofu by cutting it into 1- inch cubes 
  2. Heat a no- or low-stick sautรฉ pan over medium heat, and once hot, add a dash of olive oil. Add tofu cubes immediately, flipping and turning occasionally until the cubes are crispy on all sides. 
  3. Once the tofu cubes are nicely browned, turn the heat down to medium-low and add the simple glaze, tossing until the tofu is well covered. Watch carefully so it doesnโ€™t burn, reducing the heat if necessary. Let everything cook, stirring occasionally, until all the glaze has been absorbed and the tofu is nicely coated. Remove from heat once the tofu is looking nice and crispy.

Other flavourful glazes of equal parts liquid sweetener + liquid salt can be used with this method, and the resulting cubes are a tasty addition to salads, stir fries and grain bowls.

Watch how to fry and glaze tofu:

Method 2: Blending Tofu

Letโ€™s make a Silky Chocolate Pudding!

This recipe is a good example of how silken tofu can be used as a base for sweet or savoury dishes since it will take on the flavours of the ingredients you add to it.

  1. Place the following ingredients in your blender: 
    • 1 container silken lite firm tofu (349 g) OR soft (dessert) regular tofu*
    • ยผ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    • 5-6 dates, soaked for several hours
    • 1-2 tbsp pure maple syrup, or more to taste (optional)
    • 1 tsp pure vanilla
  2. Blend until completely smooth and creamy. Place into dishes and chill to set. Serve with fresh berries or other fruit of choice. Can be used as a dip without chilling and setting.

*You can use either kind of tofu here, but the silken variety will give you an extra creamy texture.

Watch how to make a silky chocolate pudding:

Let us know how it goes

Have you tried these recipes and tips? How did it go? Whatโ€™s your favourite glaze to use with tofu? Are there other ways you love to cook tofu? What dishes do you enjoy making with tofu?

Don’t forget to subscribe to get free weekly plant-based recipes right in your inbox! You can unsubscribe at any time.

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Tips for making your holidays plant-based

Tips for making your holidays plant-based

Holidays provide a special opportunity to try out new plant-based traditions, adapt your favourites, or continue ones that have been in your family for a long time. Keep reading for tips and suggestions from Plant University volunteers and supporters on how to make your holiday deliciously plant-based.

Submissions have been edited for grammar and clarity.

The holidays are full of good food which can all be made compassionately. We start with baking and decorating holiday cookies and sweet treats to share. Our new neighbours are Italian, so this year we found a delicious vegan biscotti and almond cookie recipe to make for them. We also have a few traditions for our Christmas meals. My daughter makes the best vegan cinnamon rolls – the recipe was adopted from our favourite local plant-based bakery To Live For. They are accompanied with a berry platter recipe from Yotam Ottolenghi I vegan-ized by substituting labneh for Yoggu plant-based yogurt.
Our Christmas day dinner is completely plant-based. Guests bring a plant-based dish to share so the menu changes every year, but some consistent dishes we serve are puffed pastry filled with mushrooms, lentils, and onions and broccoli, cannelini beans, and vegan cheese for the kids version. We also have mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts with cranberry and walnuts,ย  green beans with lemons, and dinner rolls.ย 
Plant-based meals can be intimidating at first but once you break it down, they can be completely nourishing, fulfilling, simple, leaving your belly and your heart full.ย ย 
For the holidays, I try to appeal to everyoneโ€™s dietary restrictions and preferences while keeping everything cruelty free. Beyond beef is a great substitute for ground beef – itโ€™s made with pea protein, has no soy, gluten, GMOs, and is even kosher! I like to make a variety of dishes with it like cabbage rolls, meatballs, lasagna, and meatloaf. For dairy, itโ€™s very easy to swap your favourite recipes with vegan butter and oat milk. Veggie and fruit trays are also a great snack or appetizer that many people can enjoy. Happy holiday hosting!
Monica Hiller
You can be really creative with food during the holidays. I love helping my family make their favourite recipes like hamburgers and enchiladas with plant-based products like Yves. Chips and guacamole are a great snack to bring family together. My family also really likes making tacos as theyโ€™re very easy to make plant-based. We replace the meat with foods such as beans, tofu, vegan chorizo with cilantro and tomato sauce – delicious!
Brian J
I make roasted potatoes with rosemary and balsamic vinegar, Gardein stuffed not turkey, vegan gravy, Brussels sprouts, and carrots, and yorkshire pudding made with plant-based milk and egg substitute.
Sue McCaskill
I like The Very Good Butchers Stuffed Beast, mashed potatoes, roasted carrots and Brussels sprouts. Oh, and vegan gravy and whole cranberries.
Phylis Brown
I make a big vegan dinner and try at least one new recipe every year. I make vegan desserts and hot chocolate too! My fave roast to make is the Tofurky ham roast! But I don’t like the ale glaze it comes with so I make my own glaze with mapleย syrup, cinnamon, and brown sugar!
Melissa Viau
Slowly & gently melt 3 Lindt 90% chocolate bars (broken into pieces) in top of a double boiler: stir in rough-chopped pistachio nuts, dried cranberries, and a bunch of fresh orange zest: spread mixture on a non-stick cookie sheet: press flat, coolย until set. Break it up. This is called holiday bark. What’s not to love!
Susan J Broatch
We have plant-based ‘eggnog’, all the trimmings, just no turkey. We don’t miss a thing!
Jill Sonia
I make beet wellington instead of turkey.

Bonus tip: Wanting to take your plant-based holiday to the next level? Consider donating to a vegan or animal organization – you can even do so as a gift for a loved one!

For more plant-based holiday inspiration, check out this episode of the Vancouver Humane Society’s podcast, The Informed Animal Ally, about adapting to the holidays as a vegan!

Podcast: Adapting to the holidays as a vegan

Go to our recipe library!

Check out PlantUniversity’s original recipe library for more delicious plant-based meal and snack ideas.

Benefits of Plant-Based Fats

Benefits of plant-based fats

Featured author: Dr. Matthew Nagra

Hi everyone, I am Dr. Matthew Nagra, a Naturopathic doctor based in Vancouver, BC. I spend my time researching and sharing the latest in evidence-based nutrition across social media platforms to help everyone better understand the ins and outs of this confusing world we call nutrition. In addition to my online work, Iโ€™m a public speaker and have worked with medical professionals to help integrate nutrition counselling into their practices.

Today, for the Vancouver Humane Societyโ€™s PlantUniversity Platform, Iโ€™m going to talk about fats, particularly which plant-based fat sources are beneficial for overall health and whether or not we should be limiting our overall consumption of added fats in the form of nuts, seeds, avocados, and oils. 

Within the plant-based nutrition community, there is a common misbelief that we should avoid all added fats, including nuts and oils, and promote a very low-fat diet for cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment, as well as other chronic diseases. In fact, I myself used to be very much in the camp that believes that all oils are detrimental to health, including olive oil! However, the best available research on the topic may suggest otherwise.

Of course, plant-based diets are consistently associated with good health outcomes, including a lower risk of heart disease, the worldโ€™s number 1 killer. In fact, the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee conducted the most comprehensive review of dietary patterns ever done, which included 153 studies and over 6.5 million participants across 28 countries, and they determined that the healthiest dietary patterns were all dominated by plants with a focus on whole foods. Click the link below to read more about this review. No doubt, there are many benefits to choosing more plant-based foods, including an increase in fibre intake, but I want to hone in on the fats in particular.

There are 4 main groups of fats that we need to discuss: trans fats, saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. 

1. Trans Fats

There is very little controversy around the detrimental impact of trans fats on our health, including increasing risk of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, Health Canada has banned the inclusion of partially hydrogenated oils, which are the primary sources of trans fats, in food products due to how dangerous they can be.

2. Saturated Fats

Saturated fat, which is predominantly found in meat, dairy, coconut oil, and palm oil, can also raise risk of cardiovascular disease if not limited in the diet. Thatโ€™s because saturated fat can increase our LDL (or โ€œbadโ€) cholesterol, which can end up in our artery walls, lead to the development of a plaque, and can eventually cause a heart attack. In fact, as saturated fat intake is reduced, we also see a reduction in risk of heart attacks or other cardiac events. Of course, there is some nuance within this topic and differences amongst different types of saturated fats, but as a general rule, they increase risk of cardiovascular disease.

I also want to quickly mention that dietary cholesterol, which eggs contain a lot of, can also raise LDL-cholesterol levels and contribute to cardiovascular disease risk, but to a lesser degree than saturated fat.

3. Monounsaturated Fats

Next up are the unsaturated fats. There are 2 main types, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats can be found in both animal foods, such as meat and dairy, and plant foods, such as olive oil, avocados, and almonds; however, where you get your monounsaturated fats from matters. One study with over half a million participants and 16 years of follow-up found that, compared to carbohydrates, increasing animal-based monounsaturated fat intake increased risk of dying during the study period by 5%, while plant-based monounsaturated fat sources lowered risk by 2%! You can find this study in the blog post below. 

4. Polyunsaturated Fats

Polyunsaturated fats, which includes omega-3 and omega-6 fats, are largely found in nuts, seeds, their oils, and fish, and may be the most beneficial of all the different categories of fats Iโ€™ve discussed so far. They have the most potent LDL-cholesterol lowering properties, and unsurprisingly can result in substantial reductions in cardiovascular disease risk, especially when replacing saturated fat. In fact, a 2016 study comparing different types of fats found that replacing just 5% of calories from saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats can reduce risk of total mortality by an astonishing 27%!

With that overview out of the way, itโ€™s time to talk about the impact that higher fat plant foods can have on our health! After all, we donโ€™t typically eat nutrients in isolation. Food is a package deal.


Starting with avocados, theyโ€™re rich in monounsaturated fat and have been shown to markedly improve cardiovascular risk factors. Plus, they can be a delicious source of fibre, B vitamins, and potassium. 


Studies comparing various food groups find that nuts may be the best overall food group for lowering LDL-cholesterol, and studies on different types of nuts have shown that almonds may be of particular benefit in this case. With nuts and seeds, you canโ€™t really go wrong with whichever ones you choose to eat, but in addition to almonds, I would also highlight omega-3 rich nuts and seeds. The type of omega-3 fat found in plants is called alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA for short, and it is recommended that adult women consume at least 1.1g per day and men consume at least 1.6g per day, which is more than covered with a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds or chia seeds, or an ounce of walnuts. In fact, each gram of ALA consumed per day has been associated with a 5% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and from all causes combined. One of the most astonishing and very well conducted studies Iโ€™ve seen recently found that those consuming at least 5 servings of walnuts per week had a 14% lower risk of dying from all causes compared to those who didnโ€™t or rarely consumed them! Since that study came out, Iโ€™ve been making an effort to eat some walnuts everyday.


Regarding omega-3s, there are other types called eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) that are predominantly found in fish, although we do convert some of the ALA from plants into those forms. Some individuals believe the conversion isnโ€™t adequate and that non-fish eaters ought to supplement, and there is some evidence suggesting benefit in certain cases, such as during pregnancy; however, there is a lack of convincing evidence for otherwise healthy adults. Regardless, supplementing can be considered a precautionary measure, and vegan options do exist in the form of algae-based supplements, so please discuss your options and individual needs with your healthcare provider.


Oils themselves are a hot button topic with a lot of the concerns stemming from the fact that many vegetable oils contain a fair amount of omega-6 fats. One of the beliefs is that the main omega-6 fat in plant-based oils can be converted into an inflammatory fat and wreak havoc on the body. Well, itโ€™s a nice theory, but when we look at studies that feed omega-6-rich oils to people and measure markers of inflammation, there is no increase in inflammation. Not only are they not harmful, but their intake is associated with a lower risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer deaths.

To add to the discussion on oil, a 2021 study on different types of cooking oils, which included over half a million people found that each Tbsp of canola oil consumption was associated with a 2% lower risk of total mortality and olive oil was associated with a 3% lower risk. When replacing 1 Tbsp of butter or margarine, canola and olive oil lowered risk of total mortality by anywhere from 5 to 7%, and a similar trend was seen for deaths due to cardiovascular disease. As you may have noted, I mentioned that the study was on cooking oils, and you may have been told that cooking with oils like olive oil, which has a relatively low burning point, is not a healthy choice because cooking can produce โ€œdangerousโ€ compounds. Well, the research consistently shows an overall benefit, even when cooking with these oils, with the only concerns I would possibly raise being over continuously reheating the same oil at high temperatures, as is done in many fast food restaurants.

Speaking of olive oil, some of those in the plant-based community also advise against consuming it. These concerns stem primarily from 2 studies (study a, study b) that fed roughly ยผ cup of olive oil to participants and measured their artery function. In these particular studies, olive oil did lead to a temporary decrease in their arteriesโ€™ ability to dilate, but one of those very studies also suggested that certain foods like fruits, vegetables, and vinegar can mitigate the impact of the oil on our arteries, so adding olive oil to a salad would be no issue at all! Furthermore, if we review the bulk of the studies on the topic instead of just picking 1 or 2 studies, we actually see an overall beneficial effect of olive oil on artery function! Not to mention the research I discussed earlier that found that olive oil consumption is associated with a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, which is what really matters.

Since I didnโ€™t know this when I started out on my plant-based journey, I used to avoid oils at all costs, and not only did that deprive me of a key ingredient for many great recipes, but significantly limited my options at restaurants as well. Of course, now knowing that these low saturated fat oils are associated with a lower risk of disease, there was clearly little reason to worry, and even some reason to include them. However, due to their ability to raise LDL-cholesterol, it may be best to limit high saturated fat oils like coconut and palm oil (study a, study b).

Eco-Atkins Diet:

In addition to research on individual foods, we also have data on an overall low carb, higher fat vegan diet called the Eco-Atkins diet. One randomized controlled trial found that 6 months on an Eco-Atkins diet, where the primary sources of fats were nuts, oils, and soy, resulted in lower LDL-cholesterol compared to a high carb, lower fat vegetarian diet. These findings are quite contrary to the dangerous rises in LDL-C we can see with animal-based low carb or keto-style diets. Given that information, itโ€™s no surprise that the data we do have on various types of low carb diets suggest a higher risk of cardiovascular disease if consuming a lot of animal fats, whereas we see a lower risk with the more plant-based approach.

At the end of the day, some people may feel better on a lower fat diet, while others may prefer a higher fat diet. Both can be healthy ways to eat if youโ€™re focusing your diet on plant-based foods, and choosing low saturated fat options. Thereโ€™s no good reason to be like I once was, worried about those added fats, so I hope this has helped you understand a little more about how some high fat plant foods may actually be very beneficial.

You can check out my website, DrMatthewNagra.com, and my Instagram and Facebook pages  @dr.matthewnagra, and Twitter page @drmatthewnagra.

If youโ€™ve found this helpful, please consider sharing it! Donโ€™t forget to subscribe to Vancouver Humane Societyโ€™s PlantUniversity Platform to stay updated on new content and to get involved in their work.

I’m a home baker; here are my tips for vegan baking!

I’m a home baker; here are my tips for vegan baking!

A plant-based vanilla cupcake on a plate.

When I first went vegan, I spent a lot of time experimenting with new savoury recipes. The curries, chilis, pastas, sandwiches, salads, and other dishes I already loved tasted amazing with plant-based swaps! But there was one area that I was a little more hesitant: baking.

I have a major sweet tooth and have always loved baking. I even became known as the โ€œcookie personโ€ when I got together with loved ones for the holidays.

Fortunately, there are plenty of great vegan treat brands and โ€œaccidentally veganโ€ store-bought goods, from Maynards Fuzzy Peaches to Oreos; but for me, there is nothing quite like biting into a warm cookie fresh out of the oven. So I set out to hone my plant-based baking skills.

It didnโ€™t take long! As it turns out, itโ€™s very easy to make delicious plant-based treats. It might even be easier than baking with animal productsโ€”say goodbye to fiddling with eggshells in your batter! It wasnโ€™t long before I was turning out quick desserts that were wowing even my non-vegan friends.

Here are some of my favourite ways to make non-vegan recipes plant-based.

The best non-dairy milk for baking

According to my research, the best non-dairy milk for baking is soy milk, followed by almond milk. If you bake a lot of treats with thin batters, like cakes, you might want to consider those as your top option.

A batch of chocolate chip cookies close up.

However, I mostly bake cookies with a thicker dough that only call for a couple tablespoons of milk. For recipes where your non-dairy milk is not going to be the star of the show, Iโ€™ve found it makes no difference to use whichever milk you prefer for your everyday use like sauces, coffee, or tea. When a recipe calls for dairy milk, I normally substitute 1:1 for an equal amount of oat milk.

The best plant-based butter for baking

There are so many great plant-based brands that make dairy-free butter. Here is the best side-by-side comparison Iโ€™ve found of the various vegan butters for baking cookies.

My personal favourite cost-effective butter substitution is Becel Vegan Margarine, which Iโ€™ve found works well in cookies, squares, and even buttercream.

A batch of vegan brownies cut into squares in a pan.

If youโ€™re in a pinch, a neutral oil like vegetable oil or canola oil works just fine in cake recipes.

Applesauce can also be substituted for butter if youโ€™re oil-free.

The best plant-based egg substitutes for baking

Replacing egg with flax egg

A flax egg is my go-to egg swap in cookie recipes. If a recipe calls for only one or two eggs, a flax egg works flawlessly. Watch the video below for instructions on making a flax egg or see the recipe here.

One thing to be cautious of is using flax eggs in recipes with 3-4 eggs or more. In egg-heavy recipes without other binding ingredients, the flax egg loses some of its power as a binding agent and can leave you with a dessert that doesnโ€™t set properly. A store-bought substitute can work best in these cases.

Using Just Egg in baking

Store-bought egg substitutes like Just Egg are designed to mimic the fluffiness and binding properties that you would see from using an animal egg in baking.

A bottle of Just Egg vegan egg replacement on a muffin tin.

Bonus: When youโ€™re done with your sweet recipe, they also work great in savoury dishes like plant-based omelettes.

Replacing egg with pumpkin or banana in baking

One egg can be replaced by ยผ cup pumpkin puree or mashed ripe banana (equal to about ยฝ a medium banana).

A bunch of overripe bananas on the counter.

Pumpkin and banana make baked goods dense and moist, making them perfect for breads and muffins. This replacement works especially well for recipes that naturally incorporate these flavours, like:

  • pumpkin cookies
  • pumpkin spice muffins
  • pumpkin cake
  • banana muffins
  • banana pancakes
  • banana bread

Replacing egg with tofu in baking

Silken tofu is an effective egg substitute in a wide range of recipes, including cakes, cookies, squares, and breads. Each egg can be replaced with ยผ cup pureed silken tofu.

Silken tofu can be used as an egg sustitute.

What to use instead of egg in meringue

For recipes that call for egg whites to be whipped into a meringue, aquafaba is a naturally effective plant-based substitute.

Aquafaba meringues from chickpea liquid.

Aquafaba refers to the liquid left over from cooked chickpeas. If youโ€™re making a recipe with chickpeas like this scrumptious chickpea salad sandwich, chickpea tagine, or hummus, simply save the liquid from your canned chickpeas or the leftover cooking liquid from cooking dried and soaked chickpeas. The word can also refer to the meringue-like foam made by whipping this liquid.

To make aquafaba, whip the liquid saved from cooked or canned chickpeas for 3-6 minutes. Check out this step-by-step guide on making aquafaba.

The bottom line

There are so many easy plant-based substitutions for baking, and even more unique recipes to explore that are plant-based by defaultโ€”like these tender and fragrant plant-based cranberry lemon yogurt muffins! Plant-based baking is a wonderful (and delicious) way to get creative in the kitchen.

What did you think of these plant-based substitutions for baking? Do you have a favourite that we missed? Find PlantUniversityโ€™s posts at @vancouverhumane on Tiktok or Instagram and let us know your thoughts!

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