Day 6: Appreciate an animal today.
Connect with an animal today. Maybe you or a friend has a companion animal you can give some extra love to, or perhaps you can visit a farm sanctuary to remind yourself just how wonderful animals can be.
Click to meet Pickles!
Pickles is a pig at Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary. Pickles likes to snack on corn or watermelon and her favourite activity is when she gets to explore the farm and play with all her friends. She is known for breaking into the chicken coops! (Photo credit: Shawna, Happy Herd).

Click to meet Moe & Leonard!
Moe and Leonard are turkeys at Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary. Their favourite snacks are corn and grapes. Moe loves to show off his feathers for humans and Leonard loves to show off his feathers for wild ducks. (Photo credit: Shawna, Happy Herd).

Want more inspiration? Watch us participate in Day 6 below!
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